Have you been feeling a calling to studying shamanism and earth-rooted spirituality?
Do you already have a shamanic practice & want to deepen it?
Do you have a strong connection to the spiritual forces of Mother Earth, the animals, plants, waters, and sacred lands?
Are you a mesa carrier and want to learn more or be mentored as you integrate the tradition into your life and service to others?
Do you want to learn how to heal others & the planet in these times of crisis & turmoil?
I have mentored & apprenticed many on their journey, from beginning to advanced practitioners.
Interested? Book a free Discovery Call with me & we will figure out what your unique needs are.

Where are you on your shamanic journey? What do you need?

Beginning Level
Are you having unprompted mystical, or healing experiences & want to learn how to understand & use them?
Are you noticing that certain animals & birds often draw your attention & bring comfort or messages? Are spirits or other non-physical phenomenon reaching out to you? Do you want to be initiated into the Peacemakers Mesa,
ancient shamanic lineage of Light?
Intermediate Level
Do you feel like there are gaps in your knowledge & practices? Do you want to add new tools into your shamanic work? Have you had shamanic experiences & dreams that you want to share & process? Do you want to take your spiritual development to the next level & deepen your intuitive & healing gifts?
Do you want to be initiated into the Peacemakers Mesa,
ancient shamanic lineage of Light?
Advanced Level
Do you feel like you have come a point where you can take your practice even higher & deeper & would like to work with someone at your level? Do you want to understand & break through a new block in your spiritual development? Have you had shamanic experiences & dreams that you want to share & process?
Do you want to be initiated into the Peacemakers Mesa,
ancient shamanic lineage of Light?

Step into the Mystical World of the Mesa
The mesa is a sacred medicine bundle anchored into powerful Cosmic Frequencies of Love-Light through prayer, ceremony and ritual. It brings you into intimate relationship with the highest consciousness of Mother Earth, Angelic Beings, ancient lineages of wisdomkeepers and peacemakers going back to the Inca, and Power Animals, among others.
Your initiation into the Awakened Heart Mesa tradition, involves engaging in a personal journey of healing and transformation on the Great Medicine Wheel of the New Earth. Working with body, mind/emotions, soul and spirit, fear transmutes into courage, insecurity into confidence, confusion into clarity, chaos into peace. You learn sacred songs and ceremonies, energy healing, meditations, journeying, visualizations, and more so that you amplify your intuition and healing gifts.
Once you are initiated, channels of transformation and power are anchored into your energy body so that you move through life feeling more nourished, spiritually supported, and abundant.
I bring two decades of experience as a mesa carrier through two lineages: The Four Winds Society and Alberto Villoldo and his Q'ero teachers and the Q'ero medicine people of the Rainbow lineage in Chincheros, Peru. Further, the mystical wisdom and gifts of these traditions resonate with the spiritual cosmology of peacemaking of the Cherokee and Buddhism--also among my teachers and influences. Therefore, the Awakened Heart Mesa holds a vibrational frequency of Love-Light that is perennial and unlimited.
In my 1-1 Shamanic Apprenticeship, you can come in as a beginner to initiated into the tradition or can be mentored and supported both in deepening and adding to your shamanic and/or mesa practice.
Sign up for a free Discovery Call and let's explore where you are and what you need!
I have been a shamanic practitioner for 32 years. I intimately know the various stages of the journey, with its unique experiences, roadblocks, challenges & joys. I understand how & why our Mother Earth & humanity motivates us to step into shamanism & even after years of practice, to continue & deepen our knowledge.
I remember when I was first initiated into the ancient mesa tradition that is central to the spiritual wisdom of the Q'ero medicine people, ancestors of the ancient Inka, I knew there was more. I knew there were gaps. I wanted to learn more. But the portals were not yet open at that time, so I had to wait.
But now they are. As human consciousness continues to expand & as the pressing needs in this time of transition & chaos demand, more is being offered and coming through. More people are being called to step up to their heart's calling to shamanism or to deepen their practice. More of us are being called to expand out of a solely personal practice into service to others.
I am passionate about supporting newcomers to advanced practitioners so that we can collectively continue to expand the vibrational frequencies of peace, light & love on the planet.
I strive to be a compassionate & caring support for you on your journey, no matter where you are. Book a free Discovery Call with me & we will find out what you need.

Some of what You Get in
the Shamanic Apprenticeship
These elements are mixed & matched to fit your needs, whether you are a beginning, intermediate or advanced practitioner.