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Media & Publications
featuring Rachel Mann PhD's work

"I have so much on my heart and mind to share about Sacred Activism, healing and peacemaking, transforming trauma, shamanic energy medicine, and the luminous pathway of Awakened Heart Shamanism that I walk.
Learn how you can join me to harness both your personal and our collective destiny towards joy, peace & love." 
Scroll down for more by Rachel Mann PhD
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Youtube channel

Listen to Rachel's insightful talks on shamanism, healing, peacemaking, sacred activism for ending violence, and other topics relevant to the most pressing issues of the day. 

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Destiny Lines Podcast

Join Rachel and her guests as they explore the multidimensional sources and impacts of violence and how we can end the cycle for future generations into a Great Wave of Peace.

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Psi-Kology Podcast

Dive into Rachel's trauma-healing formuila, "The Four Floors of Trauma Healing" in this fun  interview with Renee Mackenna on her Spiritual Psi-Kology podcast. 

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Healing is Peacemaking

Rachel writes about healing, spirituality, destiny lines to peace, Sacred Activism for Peacemaking, the meaning of current events for a building Great Wave of Peace, shamanism, and more.

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With the War in Ukraine, Everything Has Come Full Circle
An article by Rachel Mann PhD
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Conscious Talk Radio

Some think Spirituality is above worldly concerns. We would beg to differ. We talk to Dr. Rachel Mann about sacred activism for peacemaking and ending violence. When we talk about Spirit in action, this is it.
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Rachel Mann PhD tells the story about how she was called by the Spirits to step up and be a shamanic healer and how she resisted it mightily....until she couldn't. 
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Science with soul

Dr. Lotte and Rachel speak about healing as part of building a Great Wave of Peace and how we can harness our highest destiny lines to a beautiful future.
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Fit for Joy

Rachel Mann PhD speaks with Valeria Teles about the power of shamanic energy healing and how some are feeling the call to bring the medicine of healing they carry more into a world in need. 

Tell Me Your Story

Rachel and Richard Dugan have a lively conversation about healing and peace, meaning and purpose.
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Spirituality & Health

Rachel reflects upon the ethical questions surrounding being a White woman of European origins practicing a spirituality  gifted to her from Native American teachers. 

Tune into Dr. Mann's Podcast
Sacred Activism for Peacemaking & Ending Violence

You can find Rachel Mann PhD here....

Rachel Mann PhD lives & works out of her home in Alexandria, VA

She is also available to work with clients from around the world

via Zoom, WhatsApp and phone. 

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