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Learn the Luminous Ancient & Contemporary Tools of the 21st Century Shaman

Is it time to answer the call of your heart to become the healer you know you are meant to be? 

Do you want feel called to support & help others in need? 

Do you have wisdom to share from your own spiritual study & healing journey?

Have you already studied other energy healing modalities, like Reiki, and want to add to & deepen them?

I have been a healer for 2 decades & have developed an innovative method working with somatic energy medicine, chakra & Light Body clearing & other powerful tools called
Somatic-Emotional Shamanic Energy Transformation (SEET) 

Sign up for my emails to get updates on my classes this year! 
You know you are healer.

You feel it in your heart and bones.

Friends, family members & even strangers share their stories of struggle & trauma with you. They come to you for advice and counsel.

Many have commented on how "spiritual" and/or "healing" your energy and presence is.

You have noticed that your hands light up when you put them on a loved one with caring intention.

Maybe you are already a practitioner in the healing arts & you want to add Shamanic energy healing to your portfolio.

Energy activates.
Spirit moves.
A shift is felt. 

Is it time to answer the call of your soul to help others? 
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SSEET is one of the most powerful, trauma-informed, multidimensional, somatic-energetic modalities on the planet for supporting clients in healing personal and ancestral trauma and breaking through blocks to abundance in love, relationships, creativity, work, career, and wellbeing. 
Masterclass 1 of the SSEET Training Program consists of lectures, demonstrations, and practice in an intensive 4-workshop series. It is rich in knowledge and wisdom about how to heal others by harnessing the Natural Pathways of Transformation available to us through a deep relationship to Mother Earth, Great Cosmic Beings of Light, and the Cosmic Crystalline Matrix of Reality. 
SSEET was developed by Dr. Mann integrating ancient and contemporary methods and approaches, some learned from her indigenous and western shamanic teachers and others, as well as out of her 30 years of academic research and teaching on trauma, violence, healing, and spirituality.
  • Healing the Light Body as taught by Alberto Villoldo & the Four Winds Society
  • Archetypal Soul Mapping & Psychodrama for Survivors of Trauma
  • The Mystical Cosmology of the Q’ero medicine people of Peru and other Native American spiritual paths
  • Psychotherapeutic Self-Discovery and Exploration
  • Somatic-Emotional Mind-Body-Soul Mapping
  • Dr. Mann’s own journey out of trauma into thriving

SSEET's Benefits

to Your Clients

Masterclass 1 of SSEET will give you the foundational tools to provide in-person and long-distance healing sessions for clients dealing with a variety of issues, including:
  • Resolving symptoms of trauma, depression, anxiety, and other emotional challenges
  • Addressing difficulties in relationships with family, friends, co-workers, and spouses/partners
  • Finding satisfying, fulfilling, and meaningful work and career
  • Removing blocks to manifesting creative projects and dreams
  • Manifesting a love match, pregnancy, or any other specific goal
  • Removing spiritual blocks
  • Amplifying and developing healing and intuitive gifts
  • Healing the impact of ancestral trauma
  • Removing entity attachments and psychic attacks
  • Restoring balance and harmony so the body can recover from illness and injury

Is it time to support others to be healthy, well & whole? 

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The foundational tool of SSEET is the mesa, a medicine bundle activated for healing and transformation adapted from the Q'ero medicine people of the Andes in Peru. The mesa is filled with crystals, stones and sacred objects attuned to Natural Pathways of Transformation and Cosmic Beings of Light, including Animal Allies, Mountain Spirits, and Goddesses of sacred sites, lands and waters. 

To enter the SSEET Program, you must have at least 1 of the following: 
To enter the Program, you must have at least 1 of the following:
  • Completion of 3 of the 4 directions of the Great Medicine Wheel of the New Earth of Dr. Mann’s Crystalline Cosmic Peacemakers Mesa
  • Initiation into the mesa tradition of Alberto Villoldo and the faculty of the Four Winds Society or his students.
  • Initiation as a mesa carrier by a Q’ero teacher or one of their students
To explore if you fit into one or more of these criteria, you are welcome to reach out to Dr. Mann so she can evaluate if your mesa will fit well with the SSEET healing work and/or how to get you up to speed.

The Foundational Tools of SSEET

Access hours of video & audio teachings, guided meditations, visualizations, & ceremonies through the SSEET online course portal.

"I am here to call forth those whose soul's purpose is to help others in need with their medicine gifts." 

My training as a healer began in my early 20s when I got into therapy to address problems I was having in relationships, first with my troubled mother and in romantic relationships.

Eventually, my interest in human psychology grew as I completed an MA in Soviet Studies and a PhD in Slavic languages and literatures and then launched my career as a university administrator and professor. I used my skills as an academic researcher to find answers to 3 important and what turned out to be interrelated questions: 

What were the causes and diagnoses that explained my mother's chaotic and difficult life and effect on me?  Why were humans caught in repeating cycles of violence?  How is individual and collective trauma related? 

I then discovered energy healing at the age of 33. This started a new level of "training" when, in sessions under the hands of healers, and in meditation, I learned how to transmute my personal physical, mental and emotional pain through a somatic (body-based), energetic and imaginal (seeing with inner sight) process. At the same time, I met my first Native American teacher and discovered a body of ancient, powerful energy healing techniques that had existed long before the emergence of western medicine.

So it was that I studied shamanic energy healing starting at the age of 46 in the Four Winds Healing the Light Body School. I continued my studies with the Q'ero medicine people of Peru, descendants of the ancient Inca.  

By the time I was in my mid-40s, I knew without a doubt that I was a healer. I also knew that if I didn't step up to manifest this healing medicine in service of others, I would fulfill my soul's mission and purpose.  I left my tenured academic job at the University of Virginia to become a healer. 

I then parlayed all the processes and tools, from psychotherapeutic to somatic to energy medicine that I had learned. I call my method Shamanic Somatic-Emotional Energy Transformation.

SSEET is 21st century shamanic healing incorporating ancient and contemporary wisdom about body, mind, soul and spirit. 
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Classes meet in person in Alexandria, VA
& via Zoom in 4 intensive 3-day workshops in 2025
September 19-21
October 10-12
November 14-15
December 12-14
Sign up for a free Discovery Call
so we can explore where you are in your spiritual journey & how I can best support you. 

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Sign Up Here to get Program Updates! 

You can find Rachel Mann PhD here....

Rachel Mann PhD lives & works out of her home in Alexandria, VA

She is also available to work with clients from around the world

via Zoom, WhatsApp and phone. 

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