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Do you want release personal and ancestral trauma and the challenges it creates in your life? 

Do you want to harness joy, peace, clarity, authenticity and abundance?
Are blocks to thriving in relationships, work, career, creativity, health & manifestation of your dreams stubbornly holding you back?
Are you looking for a healing method that works
holistically--body, mind, heart, soul & spirit?

Are you being called to study shamanism or go deeper into your shamanic practice? 

Let me help you with powerful ancient and
contemporary tools for personal transformation & spiritual illumination! 

I am a Shamanic Healer, Spiritual Teacher & Coach who has been on the same healing journey you are on. 

Sign up for a free Discovery Call & let's figure out what you need & how best I can help you! 

Love, Learn, Heal, Grow, Thrive & Serve!
Harness the Power of Shamanic Energy Medicine

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Transform Your Life
Shamanic Energy Healing 

Experience the potent healing power of shamanic energy medicine, ceremony and sacred songs. 

The potent tools of wound extraction and soul retrieval, among others, heal trauma and remove stubborn blocks to manifesting your highest dreams for life.

Find your soul's purpose. Learn how to set healthy interpersonal boundaries. Call in love, fulfilling work, and financial abundance. Heal personal and ancestral trauma. Move forward powerfully to create the life you so deeply desire. 

Experience new and deeper levels of transformation with this ancient and contemporary, multidimensional modality nurturing body, mind, soul & spirit.

Book your session with me today and take the step towards a more confident, empowered and
harmonious you!
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Unlock Your


Integrate Your Spiritual Wisdom, Creative & Healing Gifts into Service to Others
Our world needs your spiritual leadership now more than ever. 
Are you working in 
Are you feeling inner promptings to deepen and integrate your spirituality into your work and service to others, but are struggling with confusion, fear and self-doubt?
Do you want to gain clarity, confidence and courage about the way forward?

Join me in
Unlock Your SoulCalling,
a 4-month group program with like-minded colleagues who are feeling the same calling. Transmute blocks, heal past traumas, release self-doubt and impostor syndrome, integrate the wisdom of your healing journey and spiritual study into the manifestation of your true purpose as a healer and/or spiritual leader in your current work, or in a new realm of service to others and the planet. 

I did it and so can you! 
Sign up for a free Discovery Call with me to explore your SoulCalling
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Walk with Great Spirit on the Mystical Path of Awakened Heart Shamanism

Have you been feeling a calling to studying shamanism and earth-rooted spirituality? Do you already have a shamanic practice & want to deepen it?Do you have a strong connection to the spiritual forces of Mother Earth, the animals, plants, waters, and sacred lands? Do you want to learn how to heal others & the planet in these times of transition & turmoil?


Awakened Heart Shamanism is a luminous spiritual path for personal and planetary transformation and healing. 


Walk the Medicine Wheel into empowerment, confidence, courage and peace.


Build a sacred medicine bundle, or mesa of love-light to heal yourself and others.


Learn how to journey to receive messages and guidance from Power Animals, Cosmic Mountain and Goddesses of Land and Waters about your life. 


Add to your Medicine Basket of Love the luminous tools of shamanic journeying, meditations, visualizations, energy healing, sacred song and dance, and ceremonies of fire, water and earth.


Speak to your Guides, Teachers, Guardians and Ancestors in the Light for support and assistance in manifesting the life you wish to manifest. 


Awakened Heart Shamanism is an integration of the teachings, ceremonies, energy healing, and practices from my lifelong study in several spiritual lineages: 

  • The wisdom of peacemaking of the Cherokee

  • The mystical mesa tradition of the Q'ero medicine people of Peru, descendants of the ancient Inca

  • The practices of mindfulness and lovingkindness of Vipassana Buddhism


To find out more about my upcoming classes this spring and summer, click below. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

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Harness Your Highest Destiny: 1-1 Shamanic Coaching 

Powerfully shift your life with my shamanic, spiritual &trauma-informed personalized counseling.  

Are you ready for an approach that is radically different than other coaching programs, that is more than therapy & that draws on the transformational tools of shamanic energy medicine? 

Shamanic coaching will help you move more quickly through & out of a major life transition such as career change, the ending or beginning of a relationship or the start of new projects.

You get robust, caring and compassionate support as we go on a journey together in 9 90-minute sessions to uncover & remove whatever is holding you back from harnessing your highest dreams. 

Experience new & deeper levels of healing with my holistic approach nurturing body, mind, soul & spirit.

Book a free Discovery Call with me today & take the step towards a more confident, empowered & purpose-driven you!
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An On-Demand Course:
Crystalline Shamanic Ceremonies for
Protection, Healing & Peace

Are you empathically sensitive & pick up heavy energies in the world & around you at work or home? 

Do you want a simple way to transmute your anxiety & other difficult inner processes & emotions?

Do you want to feel safe & comforted as you go about your days?

In this 5-module, on-demand course, you get: 
How to create Sacred Space for grounding & protection.

How to use the Love-Light of the 8th chakra for adding a layer of protection & transmuting heavy emotions.

How to visualize & work with a Crystal meditation to heal yourself.

For $95 you get this powerfully transformational mini course packed with video teachings, instructions for simple shamanic ceremonies, and guided meditations and shamanic journeys. 

Click here to purchase & get immediate access. 
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Who I am & why am I here for you?

I am  a shamanic energy healer, spiritual teacher, mentor and coach whose lifelong work has been focused on healing personal, ancestral & collective trauma. As an energy medicine specialist trained in ancient & contemporary Native American, psychodramatic and transpersonal approaches to trauma healing, I help you break free from repetitive cycles of inner and outer pain, including blocks to manifesting soul-fulfilling work, financial prosperity, health & vitality, creative projects and loving relationships.

I am the founder of Awakened Heart Shamanism and creator of Shamanic Somatic-Emotional-Energy Transformation (SSEET), an innovative, trauma-informed method integrating the knowledge and tools of her Buddhist, Native American, shamanic and psychodrama teachers. With an MA in Soviet Studies and a PhD in Russian, I bring to this transformational work 35 years of interdisciplinary research and teaching in the field of violence and peace studies into how to transmute personal and global effects of traumatic events and processes that address healing on every level and dimension of our human experience: the physical-energy body, mind-emotions, soul-spirit. 

"There are so many ways I have changed, as a result of working with Rachel. If I were to sum it up, I would say that she has awakened my spirituality in a way that has deepened profoundly my connection with living in spirit.  Rachel walks her talk.  She gave me examples of things going on in her life as parables so you learned how to apply them to your life. She is a great teacher."

- Laura Joy

Rachel has helped me bring power to my own medicine. She gave me a deeper understanding of the power of the Medicine Wheel.  As a result of my work with her in the 1-1 Mentoring Program, I stepped with confidence into my role as a shamanic healer and teacher. "

- Salem Wolf Heart, author of Benty Moon: Racing with the Medicine Wheel

Rachel's work has changed the way I look at things. The healing sessions have been extremely helpful in helping me find my way to a new and different way of looking at everything in my life. It is not just another modality—it is a whole different way at looking at everything in my life. Rachel's classes changed my center. It has been huge for me.  Because of them, when I talk to my students, I’m more earth-based. I still have the medical model. I was trained as a medical assistant before I became a massage therapist. But for my personal way of looking at things, it’s more about energies moving, nature, the seasons...With my students, I talk about shamanic energy healing, plant medicine. Now it’s more holistic.  It empowered me to bring out more on the forefront that side of me.

- Yvonne Lovejoy

Rachel is deeply interested in helping people understand where they are and how they can use the tools of the medicine wheel to help with their personal healing and the healing of their communities (like family and work).  There would be no way that I would have the awareness that I have now if Rachel was not truly open with what she knows and how it can help me.  Gratitude overflowing. I feel like I have a totally different life than what I had 2 years ago.


I did not know Rachel. I was lost in my loss. The healing ways of a Shaman as foreign to me.  I came into her home. A welcoming room. We spoke about several issues. Then we began with an energy reading. I was led through a very relaxing hour of chanting, singing, praying & rattling and drumming. Then we spoke about what she saw in her journey. Her insight was remarkable. I trusted Rachel. I thanked her and left. The next few days were the same and different! My spirit felt better and lighter. You've tried the try the best person. who has your best interests at the center of her motivation and intentions.

- Julie

Transformational. Healing. Magical. Powerful. Empowering. Community. Fun. Uplifting. Rachel's class takes people to another level in their life. I‘m not stuck anymore, there’s a brand new world and I get to have fun the next 45 years. There are only two things in life that did this for me—a recovery treatment center for alcoholics—and Rachel's.  It is transformational. There is a before and after.  With your class, it was similar. I deeply want to go to the next level of my life. But left to my own devices, I’m helpless. There’s this cliff. Your class put me over the cliff. I’m not helpless any more. I have territory.  I have done so many workshops that are supposed to be transformational.  There are only 2.  Rachel's classes changed my perception of life.  OK, there are still lions, but there’s no longer a wall. 


I began working with Rachel several years ago and completed the 3-Month Mentoring Program along with the Awakened Heart Shamanism classes.  During that time, we were given opportunities and experiences to connect with shamanic ceremony and teachings--and most importantly myself. As a mentor, Rachel, is very intuitive, insightful and competent in assessing strengths and identifying challenging areas in the most supportive manner.  I thoroughly enjoyed working with her and have reaped numerous benefits both personally and professionally.  She is a very gifted healer, mentor and shaman!! 

-Laura McFern

I truly struggled to write anything to do justice to the work I've been able to do with Rachel. Through divine synchronicity, I booked a phone session one rainy mid-spring Saturday afternoon as I was browsing a New Age shop in Alexandria. My life, my soul, and my being have been transformed spectacularly since our time together. Rachel is one of those rare people blessed with a brilliant, wise mind coupled with a depth of soul and being. She is both expansive and playful while being grounded and firmly anchored in the material world.  I knew from the first words we exchanged that I had encountered a profound teacher and healer that was meant to be a part of my life path and ultimate destiny. Each session, phone call, and email has been deeply transformative. She helped me to gaze deeply into the shadow, mirror, and beyond into the infinite cosmos to take hold of my highest destiny and highest whole self. My career has advanced in ways I didn’t think imaginable, my art has once again flowed and flourished, and my life is the most poignant and exquisite piece of music punctuated with a profound peaceful acceptance of the dissonances and harmonies interweaving themselves moment to moment. What is more, I feel more connected to other people than I ever have. My being overflows with love and a desire to help everyone around me laugh a bit more, love a bit deeper, and feel a bit more fully the miraculous experience of being an embodied singularity: a note in the grand score of divine design. All of this achieved like a cosmic gestation across 9 months. For the first time in my life, I feel deeply centered in my being, rooted to the earth, yet stretching towards the stars. Give yourself and the world around you the gift of Rachel’s wise and kind touch. You will laugh, you will cry, you will gasp in wonder as you come face to face with the truth of who you are and what you actually mean, what each of us means.  

- David Drockton

Rachel has given me the tools to keep the sacred in everyday life.  When I burn sage, light my candles, play my drum, chant, pray, I feel connected to Spirit, connected to Creator. I feel the divine flame in my heart. Even when I commune with my plants. You can do it without this work, but you have a much richer experience when you have an understanding of it when you feel in your mind, heart, body and soul you know that it is right. I like to have reasons why.  If I’m going to be doing something, I like to know why. When I experience something, if I don’t understand, I like to know why.  This is another reason why people benefit from learning from Rachel. I needed to figure out how to heal the wounds of my past. Rachel offered that. 

-Beth Ward, PhD, D. Div, Owner, SoulFire Alchemy

Here is what people are saying about my work! 

You can find Rachel Mann PhD here....

Rachel Mann PhD lives & works out of her home in Alexandria, VA

She is also available to work with clients from around the world

via Zoom, WhatsApp and phone. 

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